Washington, DC – Today the Supreme Court struck down a New York State law requiring people to show cause why they must have a permit to carry a handgun outside their home. The U.S. Conference of Mayors joined other local government and police executive organizations in a State and Local Legal Center amicus brief that urged the Court to uphold that law. Responding to today’s decision, United States Conference of Mayors CEO and Executive Director Tom Cochran released the following statement:
“It is ironic that on the very day the Senate is working on bipartisan legislation that would help to stem gun violence in our nation the Supreme Court has issued a ruling ‘without considering the State’s compelling interest in preventing gun violence and protecting the safety of its citizens, and without considering the potentially deadly consequences of its decision,’ as Justice Breyer said in the dissent he authored. Justice Breyer also highlighted the importance of considering the impact on police officers, stating that ‘the presence of a gun in the hands of a civilian poses a risk to both officers and civilians.’
“America’s mayors will continue to do everything they can, working with their police departments, community leaders and others to reduce gun violence and make their cities safer. It is unfortunate that the Supreme Court today made this vital mission more difficult.”