About The Conference
The United States Conference of Mayors is the official non-partisan organization of cities with populations of 30,000 or more. There are over 1,400 such cities in the country today. Each city is represented in the Conference by its chief elected official, the mayor.
The Conference was born out of the Great Depression when in 1932, Detroit Mayor Frank Murphy invited the nation’s mayors to his city to confront common problems caused by this dark time in our history.
Twenty-nine mayors gathered and, together, they called for Congress to provide relief, which Congress and the White House passed.
That first meeting galvanized the mayors to formalize their conference, and in February 1933 they did so in Washington. As it is today, the Conference continues to be the leading voice of cities in our nation’s capital.
The Conference to this day is a nonpartisan forum where mayors engage directly with the President and Congress on the most pressing issues of the day.
Primary Roles of The Conference
The voice of America’s Mayors
in Washington since 1932.
In 1932, 14 million people were unemployed, lines stretched for blocks in front of soup kitchens, homeowners were unable to pay taxes, veterans were selling apples on street corners, and the nation’s cities were close to bankruptcy. Responding to the appeals of mayors, Congress created a $300 million federal assistance program for cities, marking the first time in the nation’s history that federal relief was provided directly to cities. In a dramatic White House meeting, a committee of three prominent mayors convinced President Herbert Hoover to sign this desperately needed municipal assistance bill.
A few months later, on the eve of the inauguration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in the Mayflower Hotel just a few blocks from the White House, the charter of the U.S. Conference of Mayors was written. Since its founding, the U.S. Conference of Mayors has been at the forefront of the biggest issues facing America’s cities.

Andrew J. Ginther
Mayor of Columbus

David Holt
Mayor of Oklahoma City
Vice President

Todd Gloria
Mayor of San Diego
Second Vice President

Tom Cochran
CEO and Executive
Get Involved
The Conference is a dues-based organization. Cities with a population of 30,000 and larger are eligible for full membership. Cities under 30,000 may join as a service city.
The Mayors Business Council is the premier way for organizations to connect with and share their know-how with America’s cities.
A number of affiliate organizations within the Conference of Mayors provide great opportunities to network and share information among peers in various civic disciplines.