Washington, DC – Today, the United States Senate passed bipartisan legislation to invest in America’s infrastructure. The U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) has made this legislation a top priority, with 374 bipartisan mayors from all 50 states and the District of Columbia recently signing onto a letter urging lawmakers to complete and pass the legislation. In response to the Senate passage, USCM President Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley released the following statement:
“We are one step closer to a once-in-a-generation investment in our nation’s infrastructure. American cities cannot be expected to thrive with failing infrastructure and an aging transportation system. And we cannot solve the challenge of climate change by doing things the same old way. This plan will help communities prosper, create good jobs, and modernize our economy. lt will allow us to leap forward into the 21st century, and that’s why it has the support of hundreds of bipartisan mayors. Mayors know the importance of setting politics aside to get things done, and we appreciate the spirit of cooperation that has defined this effort. This bipartisanship will make a lasting impact on our country’s future. We urge the House to work quickly to send a final bill to the president for his signature.”