Washington, DC—Below is a statement from Columbia (SC) Mayor and President of the United States Conference of Mayors Steve Benjamin in response to the Santa Fe, TX school shooting:
“It’s another day in America in which we’re reminded how vulnerable to attack our kids are in our neighborhood schools. We’re also reminded how easy it is for young people to obtain a firearm. So far in 2018 we have averaged more than one school shooting a week.
Our recent history of multiple school shootings has produced numerous proposals in Congress to safeguard schools and reduce gun violence, but no action. Again, we have to ask: Will today’s assault on a Texas high school be the one that finally tips the scale?
The nation’s mayors mourn the loss of life at Santa Fe High School and stand with Santa Fe Mayor Jeff Tambrella and his city as they come to grips with the terrible tragedy they have suffered. While we don’t know all of the details of what happened, we do know that first responders took quick action and helped to stem the loss of life. Again today, we recognize their bravery and we are grateful to them.
And again today, the nation’s mayors call on Congress to put aside partisan differences, roll up their sleeves and get to work on sensible gun safety reforms. This is not about party and not about politics. This is about the well-being of our children.”