Washington, D.C.—On Thursday, February 14 at 10 am, The United States Conference of Mayors (USCM), along with the National Association of Workforce Boards, the National League of Cities, and the National Association of Counties will hold a briefing on Capitol Hill to share how they are driving innovation in workforce development at the local level to provide America with a highly skilled workforce that competes in the global economy.
The event will be moderated by West Sacramento (CA) Mayor Christopher Cabaldon, who serves as the Chair of USCM’s Jobs, Education and Workforce Standing Committee. Featured panelists include Fontana (CA) Mayor Acquanetta Warren, who is Chair of USCM’s Task Force on Manufacturing and Career and Technical Education.
One of the most important priorities, and biggest obstacles, to the future growth of the United States is finding, training and retaining a skilled workforce. Given today’s rapidly changing economy, mayors across the country are working to prepare their communities for the jobs of tomorrow.
Love Your Workforce: Local Innovations in Workforce Development
Mayor Christopher Cabaldon, West Sacramento (CA) and Chair of USCM’s Jobs, Education and Workforce Standing Committee
Mayor Acquanetta Warren, Fontana (CA) and Chair of USCM’s Task Force on Manufacturing and Career and Technical Education
David Remick, Executive Director of the Alexandria/Arlington Regional Workforce Council
Kirkland Murray, President of Anne Arundel County Workforce Investment Board
Robin Arredonodo-Savage, Council Member, Tempe (AZ) and Chair of National League of Cities Human Development Committee
Pamela E. Lancaster, Supervisor of Hall County, Nebraska and Chair of the National Association of Counties Community, Economic and Workforce Development Steering Committee—Workforce Subcommittee
Thursday, February 14, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. ET
U.S. Capitol Visitor Center | First Street, NE, Washington, D.C. 20515
Interested media should contact Sara Durr at [email protected] or 202.215.1811.