WASHINGTON – New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, President of The United States Conference of Mayors (USCM), today released the following statement on behalf of Democratic, Republican and Independent mayors demanding the Senate make improvements to the House tax reform bill:
“The bipartisan U.S. Conference of Mayors made it clear that we will not ever support a bill that disproportionately benefits the wealthy and undercuts the hard working men and women of our working class. Today, by passing this dangerous bill, Congress chose to do the bidding of the billionaires and to ignore the deep concerns of their constituents. But the fight is not over. As this now moves to the Senate, we will continue to aggressively fight this full-fledged assault on cities and demand that the state and local tax deduction (SALT) along with the tax exemption on private activity bonds and advance refunding bonds remain intact. We will not stand for any bill that further rewards the wealthiest Americans at the expense of nurses, teachers and fire fighters.
“As long as tax reform is under consideration in Washington, mayors will hold their Congressional representatives accountable and push to enact measures that create jobs and make our communities stronger. This bill fails that test – but we remain optimistic that the Senate’s version will remove corporate giveaways and offer real reforms for cities and their middle class residents.”