Bipartisan Mayors Call for No Medicaid Cuts, Increased Response to Opioid Epidemic and a Healthcare Bill that Protects Local Budgets

WASHINGTON, DC—Tomorrow, Tuesday, July 25th at 12:30 PM ET, bipartisan mayors from the leading population centers in Arizona, representing the United States Conference of Mayors (USCM) and AARP-Arizona will hold a telephone press conference ahead of Senate’s motion to proceed vote on the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) advocating for Senate Leadership and Senators Flake and McCain to protect Arizonan’s healthcare. The Senate is expected to hold the vote later Tuesday.

Mesa Mayor John Giles will be joined by Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton and AARP-Arizona Director Dana Kennedy in issuing a bipartisan call to Senators to consider the impact a repeal bill would have on thousands of seniors across Arizona. The mayors from both sides of the aisle will make a local and national case for a way forward with input from bipartisan colleagues across the country – that puts people first. Mayors will discuss how any Senate bill must protect coverage and treatment for Americans with addiction, avoid cuts to Medicaid that would put our country’s most vulnerable at increased risk, and devastate community health services and municipal budgets.



Mayor John Giles, Mesa (AZ)

Mayor Greg Stanton, Phoenix (AZ)

AARP-Arizona’s Dana Kennedy

Tom Cochran, CEO & Executive Director, US Conference of Mayors


Bipartisan Arizona Mayors and AARP Press Conference Call to Protect Arizonan’s Healthcare


Monday, July 25, 2017 | 12:30 pm ET to 1:00 pm ET


Conference Call Number:

1 (866) 868-1282 or 1 (847) 413-2405

Passcode: 6436 897#