Washington, DC—U.S. Conference of Mayors President New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu issued the following statement in response to the National Governors Association statement against the Senate healthcare bill:
“The United States Conference of Mayors commends the National Governors Association for their strong bipartisan statement against the Senate healthcare bill. As President of the Conference, I can report that the nation’s Republican and Democratic mayors have been equally steadfast in their opposition to the succession healthcare bills that Congress has presented this year. Any legislation that rips healthcare from a single family or senior that needs it, or that hampers city and town efforts to combat the opioid epidemic, is a nonstarter with mayors.
If this bill passes, mayors will once again need to clean up Washington’s mess and deal with savaged local budgets – and pandemonium as emergency rooms and clinics fill up with the sick, the addicted and the uninsured. Governors and Mayors are closest to the people of this country, which is why we urge Washington to listen to the chief executives of our states and cities when we recommend a “no” vote on this bill. We all pledge our efforts to work with the Democratic and Republican members of Congress to come together in a bipartisan way with a select group of Mayors and Governors to forge an effective national response to the health needs of the people of America. Anything less is unacceptable.”