Washington, D.C. – On Saturday, September 26th, Former Vice President Joe Biden will address the nation’s mayors during the U.S. Conference of Mayors’ (USCM) Fall Leadership Meeting. Vice President Biden will speak at 2:45 pm ET. The Meeting, which is being held virtually from September 24-26, brings together the Conference’s top leaders to discuss the state of America’s cities and their national priorities.

Mayors, from cities rural, urban and suburban, are on the frontlines of today’s biggest challenges with more than 85 percent of Americans living in U.S. metropolitan areas. Over the course of the Meeting, the bipartisan group will hold sessions on a range of priorities, including COVID-19 response, police reform, economic mobility, infrastructure, and poverty. Cities will also call on Washington to draw on mayoral expertise in tackling these issues.


Former Vice President Joe Biden


Saturday, September 26th, 2:45 pm ET


Please see this link.


Media interested in participating should contact Sara Durr at [email protected].