From April 17 – 22, cities, counties, and states will celebrate National Community Development Week. National Community Development Week is designed to draw attention to the accomplishments of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. This annual event started in 1986, and now in its 31st year, regularly has hundreds of communities participating each year.
During the week, mayors issue proclamations, and hold events organized at projects and facilities created or supported by CDBG. Congressional delegations are invited to the events to see first hand CDBG funds at work.
National Community Development Week was initially created to inform congressional members about CDBG. The concern was new people elected to Congress would not know anything about the program. National Community Development Week, and its many activities, with all congressional members (new and re-elected over the years) in attendance would begin to build more support for CDBG. This was the purpose, and it worked. CDBG funds were increased until the onslaught of program cuts in 2010. Over the last several years, the program has leveled off at an annual $3 billion appropriated.
The U.S. Conference of Mayors, and other national organizations known as the CDBG Coalition, is calling for a funding increase to $3.3 billion in FY2018.
We need National Community Development Week more ever this year. With the Administration proposing to eliminate both CDBG and the HOME Investment Partnerships program, we strongly urge all mayors and their cities participation in National Community Development Week, April 17 – 22.
If you have questions, call Gene Lowe at 202-861-6710 or email [email protected].