About the Committee
The Energy Committee of the United States Conference of Mayors is a Standing Committee responsible for policy advocacy affecting cities and energy sourcing and reliability, dissemination of best practices, and the transition to clean energy.
Recent policy and practices attention has focused on the local build-out of renewable energy and growing local support for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG). Additionally, the Energy Committee is working closely with the United Stated Department of Energy (DOE) and the newly formed State and Community Energy Programs Office (SCEP) to take advantage of the federal financial assistance made available through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to help finance the transition to clean energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Mayor Dan Rickenmann
Columbia | Chair

Mayor Gerard Hudspeth
Denton | Vice Chair
Latest News
In Bipartisan Letter, Mayors Support House Leaders’ Infrastructure Framework
WASHINGTON – The United States Conference of Mayors (USCM), led by President Bryan Barnett, Mayor of Rochester Hills, MI, pledged
Mayors Discuss the Benefits of Micro Grids and Energy Storage Systems at the 88th USCM Winter Meeting
Public acceptance of and demand for renewable energy has made possible non-traditional energy generation and distribution models that further efficiency,
Resolved: Mayors to Speak Out on the Big Issues of the Day
The United States Conference of Mayors will soon gather for its Annual Meeting next week. Every summer, mayors from cities
Piscataway (NJ) Mayor Brian Wahler Touts Energy Block Grant Renewal at House Infrastructure Hearing
Energy and Commerce Committee Poised to Act on Its Parts of an Infrastructure Package Left to Right: Mayor Brian
Benjamin, Brainard, and Biskupski Tout Climate Actions, Want Renewed Funding for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG)
Conference President Columbia Mayor Steve Benjamin, Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard and Salt Lake City Mayor Jackie Biskupski Conference President Columbia
Adopted Policies
During the Conference’s Annual Meeting every June, standing committees recommend policy positions they believe should be adopted by the organization. At this time, every member attending the Annual Meeting is given the opportunity to discuss and then vote on each policy resolution. Each city, represented by its mayor, casts one vote. The policy positions adopted at the Annual Meeting collectively represent the views of the nation’s mayors and are distributed to the President of the United States and Congress.
Search all Energy Standing Committee resolutions dating back to 1992 using the search bar, or view the resolutions passed by Annual Meeting below.