Promoting Achievement by Black Males and All Young People

Adopted at the Executive Committee Meeting in 2013

  • WHEREAS, the Schott Foundation for Public Education, reported that 52 percent of black males who entered ninth grade in the 2006-07 school year graduated in four years; and

    WHEREAS, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, one in three black men can expect to go to prison in their lifetime; and

    WHEREAS, The United States Conference of Mayors has had strong policy for over 40 years calling for greater investment in inner city youth and all young people to reduce their potential for dependency, improve the in-school performance of vulnerable youth and lower dropout rates, prevent drug abuse among them, and help them stay out of the criminal justice system; and

    WHEREAS, in 2008 the United States Conference of Mayors adopted a comprehensive policy resolution which recognized the economic and other disadvantages which black and Hispanic youth face, including poverty, lack of health care, lack of educational attainment and an opportunity to realize their full potential, and likelihood to be involved in the criminal justice system and called for a comprehensive approach to reverse these disadvantages and put young people on the right track to becoming contributing adults; and

    WHEREAS, also in 2008 as part of its Mayors Initiative on Leadership in Education in an effort to provide information to all mayors on efforts they can undertake to improve educational and other outcomes among young people, the Conference published case studies on the efforts of two mayors to improve educational outcomes, with special attention to the needs of black and Hispanic youth; and

    WHEREAS, every city should strive to promote achievement among black men and boys and all young people and currently several cities are working to build strong cross-sector leadership teams; identify local challenges and opportunities; explore policies and strategies that have the potential to make an impact on outcomes for these young people; and develop mechanisms to evaluate and sustain progress over time; and

    WHEREAS, steps which cities can take to promote achievement among black males and all young people include:

    · Engaging local elected officials to frame and raise the visibility of issues related to achievement by black males and all young people;

    ·Developing strong partnerships dedicated to improving outcomes for black men and boys and all young people;

    ·Utilizing data effectively document needs, target resources, assess the effectiveness of strategies, and measuring progress in improving life outcomes for black men and boys and all young people;

    ·Implementing comprehensive strategies for educational attainment, employment opportunities, family strengthening, and violence prevention; and

    ·Promoting an authentic youth civic engagement structure for all young people including young black men and boys,

    NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the United States Conference of Mayors recognizes the need to promote achievement among black males and all young people and commends those cities working to do this.

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