Sourcewell facilitates the competitive public solicitation and contract award process for the benefit of cities and other governmental entities across the United States. Sourcewell cooperative purchasing contracts provide cities with increased administrative and time efficiencies, and aggregated demand results in significant pricing discounts, all the while meeting purchasing rules and regulations. Sourcewell contracts results in cost and time savings for government procurement.

The foundation of Sourcewell's cooperative purchasing program is rooted in a process that is both public and open, and fair and competitive. These principles ensure efficient stewardship of taxpayer dollars when government entities procure goods and services. Cooperative purchasing fosters effective, broad-based competition within the free enterprise system. It affords other governments the benefits from time and administrative savings and allows for cost efficiencies generated from economies of scale. Sourcewell follows a procurement process as prescribed by law and other government procurements standards and best practices. Sourcewell's competitive solicitation process meets the requirements of government procurement and complies with state and federal rules and regulations. This fair and open competitive solicitation process ensures maximum competition among vendors, as well as ensures it meets the requirements to which cities must comply.

Sourcewell was created by the state of Minnesota and is an independent local government agency that provides procurement solutions across all 50 states. Sourcewell contracts may be used by units of government to procure equipment, products, services, and construction through joint exercise of powers laws or the authority found in cooperative purchasing statutes. Sourcewell cooperative purchasing contracts are available for use free of charge without any obligation to any city or other governmental entity including states, federal government agencies, counties, and townships, among others. Cities and other governments in every state benefit from the procurement advantage Sourcewell provides.

Thousands of public agencies utilize Sourcewell cooperative purchasing contracts totaling $7.4 billion worth of procurements this year alone through hundreds of contracts with over 700 suppliers across the country, a true testament to the benefits of cooperative purchasing.