SATURDAY January 18, 2024

Public-Private Partnerships (P3s) Task Force – Download Slides

2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Independence Salon D (Level M4)

The Public-Private Partnerships (P3) Task Force was created in 2022 to raise awareness of P3 opportunities and challenges when investing in local infrastructure, particularly in light of significant federal funding recently made available by Congress. Task Force Chair Mayor Andre Dickens will lead a discussion on legislative and advocacy priorities of the Conference of Mayors P3 policies. This session is intended to prepare mayors by introducing them to who the new players will be in the administration and how cities can work with them.

Andre Dickens
Brigham McCown
Lucian Niemeyer
Jim Ray
Dr. Morteza Farajian
Phillip Jones
Patricia Lock Dawson







Opening Remarks


Mayor of Atlanta

Legislative & Advocacy Priorities for 2025:

The chair will discuss recent policy adopted by the Conference and the advocacy plan.

  • Rebuild Bonds for Capital Projects
  • Federally Supported Consortium of Municipal Advisors for P3 Projects
  • Continue educating local officials on P3 opportunities; (second session on P3 Success Factors)

Focus on 2025 Legislative and Administration Priorities: The New Administration and the 119th Congress


BRIGHAM MCCOWN, Founder & Chair

Alliance for Innovation and Infrastructure

Mr. McCown served in several administrations in a variety of senior official capacities; will brief mayors on what to expect in the new administration concerning development and opportunities for P3s.


Building Cybersecurity

Mr. Niemeyer has served as Assistant Secretary for Naval Installations in the previous Trump Administration, and will brief mayors on what to expect in the new administration on cybersecurity for critical infrastructure.


Corporate President


Mr. Ray is Corporate President of HNTB, one of the U.S.’ largest infrastructure engineering and consulting companies, and is a nationally recognized transportation professional with more than 20 years of experience in government and the private sector.

Federal Funding Updates & Opportunities


Executive Director

U.S. Department of Transportation Build America Bureau

Dr. Farajian has served as a senior executive leading the Build America Bureau at USDOT (the Bureau) since April 2019. He is responsible for credit programs and loan guarantees with approximately $30 billion in the existing portfolio and nearly $100 billion in available lending capacity. The Bureau also has the authority to allocate up to $30 billion in tax-exempt private activity bonds that support multimodal transportation infrastructure. Through various technical assistance grant programs, the Bureau assists project sponsors in building capacity to analyze and utilize innovative financing and project delivery solutions such as Public-Private Partnerships (P3).

Roundtable – Introducing New Vice Chairs and Expanding P3 Advocacy


New Vice Chairs were appointed by President Ginther to expand P3 advocacy to all community-based assets. The Vice Chairs have particular focus and will discuss (1-3 minutes each).

PHILLIP JONES, Vice Chair, Military Community Redevelopment (4 minutes)

Mayor of Newport News

PATRICIA LOCK DAWSON, Vice Chair, Innovative City Development (4 minutes)

Mayor of Riverside

Closing Remarks (5 minutes)


SATURDAY January 18, 2024

Building Successful P3s – Download Slides

3:45 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Independence Salon D (Level M4)

This session will focus on success factors for P3s, including education and best practices, nationally and globally. The Task Force has worked with our partners to educate municipal officials in communities across the country to better understand how alternative project delivery models can yield public benefits and the conditions necessary for success. This session will feature a presentation exploring the transformative potential of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in driving environmental sustainability. With examples from Veolia’s work in the United States and Canada, this presentation will showcase how collaboration between public entities and private companies can lead to innovative solutions in waste management, resource efficiency, and sustainable infrastructure. Gain a deeper understanding of how these partnerships can accelerate the transition to a more sustainable future, balancing economic growth with environmental stewardship. Finally, mayors will hear about the unique opportunities to deliver innovative solutions and community investment, and participate in an open forum to discussion.

Andre Dickens
David Gilford
Gavin Buckley
Rodney Moss
Frédéric Van Heems
Lisa Mitchell
Lisa Buglione







Opening Remarks


Mayor of Atlanta

  • Report on 2024 program success in P3 Institute Outreach
  • Identify next Institute city and date
  • Global Perspective/Best Practices

Private Sector Insights: Harnessing Innovation Through P3s

DAVID GILFORD, Head of Policy

Sidewalk Infrastructure Partners

Mr. Gilford leads policy for SIP, building public-private partnerships to deliver value to national, regional, and local governments and communities.

Case Study – Downtown Annapolis Parking & Flood Control


Mayor of Annapolis, MD


Hunt Companies

Mr. Moss leads the progressive development business unit at Hunt. With a development career spanning three decades, and degrees in both engineering and law, Rodney helps public entities navigate the complexities of social infrastructure, understand the risks, and adopt comprehensive solutions.

P3 Success Factors


President & CEO

Veolia North America

Mr. Van Heems joined Veolia in 2014 as General Manager of its subsidiary Siram in Italy. He was appointed Chief Executive Officer for Veolia Water France in 2016, before becoming President and Chief Executive Officer of Veolia North America in 2021.

P3 Global Perspectives


New Vice Chairs were appointed by President Ginther to expand P3 advocacy to all community-based assets. The Vice Chairs have particular focus and will discuss (1-3 minutes each).

LISA MITCHELL, President and CEO

The Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships

Ms. Mitchell has 20 years of leadership, communications, and public affairs experience, including more than a decade advocating for and advancing P3s, most recently as Senior Director, Investments, Partnerships and Innovation at Infrastructure Canada.

LISA BUGLIONE, Executive Director

The Association for the Improvement of American Infrastructure (AIAI)

With more than 20 years of high-profile management and operations experience, Ms. Buglione oversees every aspect of AIAI’s operations and national public outreach initiatives.

Open Forum

Mayors in attendance have the opportunity to ask P3 Advisory Board Members project-specific questions.