About the Meeting

2018 MWMA Fall Summit
Monday, October 8th – Wednesday, October 10th, 2018
The Whitehall Hotel, Houston, TX

TO REGISTER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Jubi Arriola-Headley, (202) 861-6798 or [email protected]


At the 2018 Municipal Waste Management Association (MWMA) Fall Summit you’ll learn about new technologies, strategies, and programs in the solid waste industry.  You’ll also have the opportunity to solicit advice about issues I’m facing as solid waste chief in my city, directly from my peers around the country. And you’ll benefit from the network of professional contacts that you’ll be able to develop through MWMA. The MWMA Fall Summit is an event you should experience at least once.

Can’t wait to see you in Houston!


A block of rooms has been set aside for 2018 MWMA Fall Summit participants at The Whitehall Hotel in Houston, Texas.

The Whitehall Hotel
1700 Smith Street
Houston TX 77002

$169.00 Single/Double Occupancy (plus 17% Tax)

Room reservations must be made by online.  The reservation request form will appear after you register online for the meeting.

Reservations must be made by September 14th, 2018. Reservations made after that date will be subject to availability and a higher room rate.