Wells Fargo
A long standing supporter of the U.S. Conference of Mayors, Wells Fargo's vision is to satisfy our customers' financial needs and help them succeed financially. Wells Fargo does business with one in three U.S. households and is the largest retail mortgage lender, financing one in every eight home loans in 2016, according to Inside Mortgage Finance.

Wells Fargo offers home loans to consumers through the country's largest mortgage network, including mortgage locations and bank branches, phone, and at www.wellsfargo.com.

Wells Fargo is committed to providing sustainable homeownership opportunities for low- to moderate- income people by providing volunteer and financial resources to local and national nonprofit housing organizations. In 2016, the Wells

Fargo Housing Foundation donated $20 million in support of affordable housing initiatives serving low-and moderate income households - including for seniors, veterans, and families - through neighborhood and community revitalization efforts.

Since its inception in 1993, the Wells Fargo Housing Foundation has invested more than $190 million to such efforts, along with mobilizing over 4.7 million team member volunteer hours to build and rehabilitate more than 7,100 homes and counting.

Wells Fargo provides a wide range of home loans to serve the needs of qualified borrowers including programs focused on access to credit for low- to moderate-income and first-time homebuyers. For instance, the Wells Fargo NeighborhoodLIFT program offers homebuyer education plus down payment assistance grants, responsibly, to mortgage-ready lower- and average-income homebuyers that has helped to create more than 14,150 homeowners combined in 53 communities and counting.