Between now and November 3, the United States Conference of Mayors will help mayors and their youth leaders develop voter engagement efforts in their communities. Using the Youth Voter Engagement Roadmap as a checklist and guide, participating cities will develop their city-wide strategies and share their efforts with other cities during monthly best practice webinars.

Webinar Schedule:

For Cities:

TurboVote is an online tool developed by Democracy Works that makes it easy for voters to register and get to the polls, by guiding them through the process and making it as seamless as possible. It tracks local, state, and federal elections to send personalized text and email reminders to users about how and when to vote in any upcoming elections.

Coordinate Now with Your County and State Election Officials

Cities should reach out to county and state election officials now to ensure that they are updated on their states’ voting processes, such as vote by mail/absentee, and voting early. Cities should also coordinate with county and state election officials to help residents (who must) vote in-person safely. Cities are encouraged to work with county and state election agencies to identify space for safe polling places and help to recruit poll workers. Mayors should also help county and state officials secure safety measures for voting in person, such as hand sanitizing stations and masks.

Below are online directories to connect you to your county and state election offices:

Collaborate with National Nonpartisan Voter Engagement Organizations

Early Voting

Voting early helps to minimize crowds, long lines, and bottlenecks on election day. Rules for voting early vary by state, and some states do not allow early voting. It is important that mayors and their residents understand the early voting options available to them. Below you will find information on how to vote early in your state as well as important deadlines.

Voting by Mail/Absentee

Rules for voting by mail/absentee vary by state. Due to COVID-19, the Conference of Mayors recommends that voters who can vote by mail/absentee do so in order to stay as safe as possible. Below you will find a link to help you navigate your state’s vote by mail rules and important deadlines. While some states will be automatically sending all voters mail-in ballots, other states require that you request a ballot and have “acceptable reasons” for voting by mail.